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Strategy Salad is not a PR agency. Strategy Salad is the crisis firm specialized in issue and crisis management and social media issue communication.
Strategy Salad launched in 2009 has crisis group led by James Chung, social media issue firm(minglespoon) led by Sean Song and strategic media relations group (POWERHOUSE) led by DG Shin.
Strategy Salad provides Korea’s first-of-its-kind full-scale crisis services for corporations. Strategy Salad offers all types of approaches, that is, counsel, coaching, system building and consulting on management of issues and crisis both offline and online.
Strategy Salad offers professional consultation and coaching on social media-based issues for corporations. Upon their crisis occurrence, Strategy Salad provides either step-by-step or turn-key services on social media monitoring, real-time consultation and issue communication coaching.
Strategy Salad has POWERHOUSE, strategic media relations group with the most powerful media relations experiences and connections in Korea. Through the group, Strategy Salad offers integrated crisis management services.
Strategy Salad also holds diverse partner networks enabling clients’ execution of strategies such as M&A Communications, PR Research & Consulting, Executive Coaching, Advertising, Sales Promotion and Event.
Strategy Salad is open for corporate communication experts at all times. Any top-notch competitive expert can form a collaboration with Strategy Salad.